The Clock™ is a unique process-model inspired and crafted by years of practice and experience - infusing the best from the agile and the non-agile approaches in delivering a sound and comprehensive model for your organization. From Requirements to finished product
While other certificates only provide you with training in managing requirements, The Clock™ goes several steps further, providing you with a complete process from idea to finished product that ensures minimal miscommunication between parties and a smooth workflow throughout the project.
One of the most fundamental problems in development is time estimation and time overreach. The Clock™ has a comprehensive time estimation system that surpasses any other process-model on the market.
The Clock™ model is the heart and soul of your project.
Fine tuned to give the you the ability to achieve perfect results, every time.
The Certification comes in two varieties, one Foundation Level Certification and one Advanced Level Certification.
A foundation certification enables the user to manage requirements by holding workshops, create site-maps, wireframes, project cards, change and configuration-cards, risk analysis and detailed Product Requirement Specifications with precise Time Estimation.
Course duration: 4 x 6 hours
Cost: 19.500 SEK
See course plan
An individual with the Advanced Certification is a full-fledged Requirements manager with all the tools a project manager needs including knowledge about every last detail of the process-model and can handle project implementation and deployment.
Course duration: Part time studies
Cost: 45.500 SEK
See course plan
24 hours, 19.500 SEK The course aims to give the student basic knowledge of The Clock™ and how to implement it. After a completed course the student will be able to know how The Clock™ works and be able to explain it to someone else. The student will be able to compare and relate The Clock™ to other project and requirement handeling models and know when it is reasonable to use it. The student will also be aware of which aid documents are included in The Clock™ and know when and how to use them, i.e the PRS (Product Requirement Specification), the PC (Project Card) and the Change and configuration card.
The Foundation Certification Course is concluded with an examination that ensures the quality of both the student and the educator.
For a more detailed course plan, please contact us using the online form
Our regularly scheduled seminars are a great way for you and your colleagues to get up to speed with the latest techniques and practices.
Intro The Clock? Model Certification Courses Seminars
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